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Elementary Students STEAMing Ahead
“Everything is new, every single day,” says Jessica Lay about projects she teaches in the STEAM labs she has built from the ground up at Kinder and Jane Chance elementary schools in the Miamisburg City Schools.
Whole Brain Teaching Brings Biology to Life - Teachers Honor Teachers
No microscope is smarter than the human brain and nothing is more important than the human heart. Social Emotional Learning + Biology = the perfect blend of rigor and fun.
Choice Leads to Deep Dive in Art - Teachers Honor Teachers
A steadfast encourager of creative thinking, empathy, possibilites, and problem solving: Sarah Jones Rough embodies all of this and more.
Empowering Students to Wonder, Research, Create, and Explore- Teachers Honor Teachers
Student-centered; risk-taker; creator of authentic, hands-on learning; positive; collaborator: These are just a few words that describe Barb Currey, a truly excellent educator.
Growing Musicians with Encouragement and Respect - Teachers Honor Teachers
Mr. Bowers is all about rigorous experiences for himself and for his students. He believes that he cannot properly teach his students about the real music world if he is not an active participant himself.
A Passion for Making Learning Fun - Teachers Honor Teachers
Intervention Specialist Emily Sokolowski designs creative projects to engage learners at every level at Bath Elementary in the Revere Local Schools.
Dedicated to Success - Teachers Honor Teachers
Kate Schwerzler consistently demonstrates kindness, empathy, and stability while teaching mathematics at Pattison Elementary School in Milford.
Deep Learning through the Design Process - Teachers Honor Teachers
Zach Griffith embeds problem based learning, the design process, and collaboration in everything he does at Akron Public Schools’ NIHF STEM High School.
“Amazing” Ways to Teach Science - Teachers Honor Teachers
Nicole Zubik is an absolutely amazing teacher. Does she have goofy taxidermied animals all over her room? Yes. Is she the best teacher any kid could ever hope to have? Also, yes.
Confetti Project Builds Connections - Teachers Honor Teachers
Jody Keith designed an ELA project for students and teachers in the Buckeye Local Schools to help them reconnect after the covid “time-out.”
Grid System Leads to Deep Learning - Teachers Honor Teachers
Alicia Nussbaum strives to instill deep learning in her elementary classroom by engaging students in learning opportunities, communicating with students and parents, and using mastery-based data.
Exploring STEM Principles Through Art - “Teachers Honor Teachers”
Lancaster City Schools' art teacher Kerri Rodenbaugh exemplifies excellence in teaching through her innovative practices, including incorporating STEM principles in her classes – making STEAM a reality for the youngest students in Lancaster.
Sparking Interest in Materials Science
Week-long, hands-on lab experiences show educators how to use applied engineering techniques in their classrooms.
Efficient, Effective, and Purposeful Science Instruction
Vernier sensor technology provides opportunities for experiential learning in grades 4-8 in the Piqua City Schools. The goal is for students to view “doing science differently.”
Writing to Learn
Teachers in Hardin-Houston schools are learning to use writing assignments to elicit deeper learning in all classes from social studies to music to mathematics to language arts.
Just to Love to Write
A group of young authors inform Evanston Elementary School in Cincinnati have published a collection of personal stories written under the direction of high school student Ann Vettikkal. Ms. Vetikkal hoped to inspire confidence in these youngsters as they learned to find their “voice.”
A Network of Passionate Educators
Erase the Space arranges exchanges between students from different backgrounds in the Columbus area. They learn from and with each other and work to find solutions to long-standing problems associated with equity within the schools.
Teaching Mindfulness Strategies to Deal with Pandemic
Youth Yoga Project trains teachers on how to use mindfulness strategies themselves and with their students to help deal with day-to-day stress, which has been heightened by the pandemic.
Boys Hope Girls Hope: A Long-Term Guiding Partnership
Boys Hope Girls Hope has formed long term partnerships with highly capable students in northeast Ohio to complement what is happening at school and at home and to help them develop skills needed to be college and career ready after high school.