Inspired by Outdoor Learning
- Mandy McNamara, New Albany Intermediate School
“Pete encourages staff and students to step outside into the outdoor classroom as much as possible.”
-Mandy McNamara
Peter Barnes, New Albany Intermediate School science educator and nature lover, should be recognized for his commitment to engaging students in learning and inspiring them to preserve our natural world. Mr. Barnes is both a leader and mentor in our intermediate school’s science department. He encourages staff and students to step outside into the outdoor classroom as much as possible. His passion for gardening, creating natural spaces for habitats, and establishing partnerships with local community members motivates students and staff to take risks and try new things.
Mr. Barnes’ students complete the balloon tower challenge.
Mr. Barnes models STEM-based education and incorporates technology and fun into his lessons while learning with his 5th-grade students.
The photo below illustrates one of the many projects he has completed with our young scientists. He partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Department to plan and plant prairie spaces in our outdoor classroom area to attract pollinators to our school yard.
Mr. Barnes makes a difference for the outdoor environment every day, not only on Earth Day!
As a 6th-grade science educator, Mr. Barnes inspires me to continue to find new ways to engage my students in STEM-based education and to learn in the out-of-doors.
I nominate Peter Barnes for his love of science and because he is a deserving educator who makes a real difference in the lives of others!
Peter Barnes and his 5th-grade science students enjoy “Dress as a Teacher” day.
Teachers Honor Teachers
The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation launched a new program last fall inviting teachers to recognize a colleague they know is doing exceptional work in the classroom.
In the above post, Mandy McNamara expresses her admiration for fellow teacher, Peter Barnes. Thank you to both educators for your dedication to students and for taking the time to showcase what it means to deliver challenging, innovative, and student-centered lessons that result in powerful and deep learning.
Through the Teachers Honor Teachers Program, The Foundation is seeking Ohio public school teachers to share great things about a teaching colleague in an Ohio public school that ensures deep learning for students. If we choose to post your story, we will award $500 toward that teacher's classroom for their great work and $500 toward your classroom for honoring their excellence. Apply here.