Amy Didion – Briar Middle School, Perkins Local School District
2021 Arthur S. Holden Teacher Award for Excellence in Science Education
Jennings Foundation President & Chair Anne Juster (left) presents the 2021 Arthur S. Holden Teacher Award for Excellence in Science Education to Amy Didion (right), an 8th-grade science teacher at Briar Middle School in the Perkins Local School District.
“Amy Didion is an exceptional teacher deserving of this prestigious award. The impact she has had on Briar Middle School students cannot be measured solely by data or test scores. She gets the very best out of our students and consistently pushes them to reach new heights.” ~ Jeff Thom, Principal, Briar Middle School
As a veteran educator, Amy Didion continually looks for fresh ideas to engage her students in science. Through a partnership with the Toledo Zoo, her students recently collected data on Monarch butterflies to identify trends in their lifecycles. She shared in their excitement when one of the butterflies the students tagged was located in Leakey, Texas, 1,500 miles from their classroom in Sandusky.
“The students were instantly looking to see where that location was and figuring out how many miles our butterfly flew,” says the middle school teacher who received the Jennings Foundation’s 2021 Arthur S. Holden Teacher Award for Excellence in Science Education.
Mrs. Didion began her career as a middle school math and science teacher in the Margaretta Local Schools in 1992. She has spent 20+ years at Briar Middle School, primarily as an 8th-grade science teacher.
“I ensure deep learning in my students by providing them with meaningful activities that tie into our state curriculum,” Mrs. Didion wrote in her award application, explaining special skills and abilities that qualify her for the award. Briar Middle School Principal Jeff Thom agrees: “Her knowledge and experience in the art of teaching are on display annually, marked by the overall progress her students show during the course of the school year.”
With funding from the award, Mrs. Didion will purchase an “augmented reality sandbox” for the school’s science department. The technology allows students to study geography, weather, erosion, deposition, and conservation. Students create different geographic formations by manipulating sand on a large table to mimic mountains, valleys, river deltas, and flood plains. They can visually see how changing the surface of the land affects the topography and can simulate rainwater and rivers to watch how water impacts the environment.
Aside from being an outstanding teacher, Mr. Thom says, Mrs. Didion is a “fantastic mentor.” A teacher-leader on the school’s 8th-grade team she shares her strengths and knowledge with colleagues and gives high-quality feedback on assessment practices and engagement strategies. Ongoing committee work keeps her at the forefront of educational trends, changes in the curriculum, and creative ideas that will further involve students in meaningful work. Ultimately, she credits teamwork as the reason her students succeed.
“It is an honor and a privilege to recognize Mrs. Didion for the outstanding work she does every day,” Mr. Thom remarks.
The Arthurs S. Holden Teacher Award for Excellence in Science Education is awarded by the Foundation to an outstanding Ohio science educator each year. It was established in honor of the late Arthur S. Holden, Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Martha Holden Jennings Foundation.